Fur Ball Love

His eyes follow me wherever I go.

If I head up the stairs, he is right there beside me. He lays down at my feet as I fold laundry. He jumps onto the bed as I do bedtime with the littles. He is always aware of where I am and what I’m doing.

He checks on each little when he wakes. Sniffing, wagging, checking in to make sure they are well. He sits on their feet. They are mine, he says.

He barks at loud noises and stands ready to devour anyone who might threaten his people.

He is fluffy and handsome, and he loves his belly scratched.

And although my hubby is quite the stud muffin and for sure loves a good belly scratch –  I’m talking about my dog.

My dog is part shepherd. 


And as I watch him watch me, his breed really strikes me. A shepherd. Aware at all times, ready to protect, always near, always devoted, always on alert. Loving, protective, close.

Yesterday I was doing homeschooling with the kids – Laurentz read about a shepherd – a shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep. A shepherd who lovingly says, “They are mine.” A shepherd who is compassionate, protective, close.

His eyes are on you. His eyes are on me. He doesn’t miss a beat.

He is our shepherd and we are his.

So friends, if you have any type of critter that loves you through thick and thin, protects you, sits on your feet and snuggles you close – may that warm fur ball remind you of a love that will see us through every moment of the coming days, weeks and months. 

We are not alone.

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7 Responses to Fur Ball Love

  1. Becky Wood says:

    Great inspiration this morning. Love how loyal my sweet dog Lucy is, but how much greater is the love and of our Savior.

  2. Paula says:

    What a beautiful baby!! He has such adoring eyes!! Thank you for that wonderful share!!

  3. Bev Pfeffer says:

    Thank you Elsa for such a great analogy. Your words are so inspiring to all of us. Your enthusiasm is so contagious. And this contagion is a great thing!!!!!!!! Love you!!!!!

  4. ENNO H Kok says:

    Such a heart warming story!! Loved it! So glad you have that shepherd!!


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